Friday, June 1, 2012

Green Start: #29 - 33

Green Start Project

The Greenstart Project travels to schools with a fully equipped, climate controlled Mobile Greenhouse Laboratory for effective, hands-on learning opportunities in plant studies. Scheduled sessions connect to curriculum objectives while students have fun growing their own mini-gardens to nurture at home.

École Edwards teachers and students take advantage of programs offered in the community that foster environmental skills, like gardening.  Through hands-on gardening student learn the value of growing their own plants and produce.  

21st Century Competency:

We are civically engaged.  Civic engagement means working to make a difference in the civic life of our communities and developing the combination of knowledge, skills, values and motivation to make that difference. It means promoting the quality of life in a community, through both political and non-political processes.  Public gardens improve the the quality of life in a community, as do farmer's markets and locally grown and produced items.  Students got to see this on a small scale as they worked in the mobile greenhouse for several weeks.

Grade(s) Involved:     Grade 4  classes 
Date Submitted:         October, 2011
Leaders Involved:      4 M&M, 4L, 4H, 4Mac

Student Written Description of the Environmental Action Project:

The project was about planting the plants and growing them. We put seeds in pots and fed them plant food and watered them. We grew them and then brought them home.

It is a green project because we are making more plants instead of cutting them down and killing them.
by Kolt, grade 4, Mrs. H.

Describe Why This is an Environmental Project:

We went inside the green house once a month and planted a new seed. You would look at your old seeds and see how they were growing. You could compare them to other people’s to see how tall they were getting.

It is earthy because we were planting plants you wouldn’t find in your everyday life.
by Abby, grade 4, Mrs. H.

1 comment:

  1. “All of the grade 4s went to a trailer and grew plants to help the world. We planted stuff like flowers and vegetables and herbs. We used the herbs to make mini pizzas at school and brought the rest of the plants home. We did Green Start because it is better to grow your own plants then to go to a store and buy them.”
    – Grade 4FI Student
